Alliance Investors
The Alliance Investors are made up of City of DeFuniak Springs, City of Freeport, City of Paxton, and Walton County. These Alliance Investors fun at an agreed upon rate each year to support the Economic Development of all of Wonderful Walton. We thank the Alliance Investors for their significant annual investment that sustains the core operations of the Walton County Economic Development Alliance.
Community and Business Investors
Community (Public) and Business (Private) investment is critical to creating the fabric of Economic Development throughout Wonderful Walton. In an effort to create extensive community and business involvement we offer differing levels of investment to fit the capabilities of each organization. We encourage investment at the Trustee Level to accelerate the advancement of the Wonderful Walton Economy!
Trustee Investors
Trustee Investment is the highest level of investment with the WCEDA and allows for membership in the Business Leadership Council and the possibility to serve as an officer on the Executive Committee of the WCEDA to help shape the future of Wonderful Walton.
Corporate Investors
Enterprise Investors
Associate Investors